Connect Card
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I'm New to Beacon Church (Visiting, Guest, Looking for a Church Home, Etc.)
I Attend Occasionally
I Attend Regularly
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Please select one option.
I/we were physically present at Beacon Church.
I/we watched the Live Service Online.
I/we watched an Archived Sermon
This address will receive a confirmation email
Cell Phone
The following questions are OPTIONAL...
Names of other family members who attended with you (Optional)
Please contact me about...
Please select all that apply.
Help me get connected at Beacon
Children, Student and Family Ministries
Men's Ministries
Women's Ministries
Small Groups and Bible Studies
Care Groups (Grief Share, Divorce Care, or Single Parenting)
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)
Knowing more about Christianity
Prayer Request or Other Comment... (Optional)
If you shared a Prayer Request above, who would you like to receive the request?
Please select one option.
Please send this out to the Beacon Church Email Prayer Chain.
Please only share this with Beacon Church Staff.
Please only share this with Beacon Church Pastors.
We'd love to hear from you!
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